Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Friday, February 2nd

  • Today in class you will complete a graphic organizer that asks for the following for eight characters from Animal Farm
    • What person or group the character represents in the historical context of the Russian Revolution
    • Two cited quotations from the book to support your answer
      • Remember that you must cite the quote using the following format: "All animals are equal" (43). 
  • With any remaining time, you should practice your speech, which you'll recite to the class on Monday. Practice giving the speech while a peer reads along and prompts you when you forget pieces. Make use of your note card, so you are practiced in using it for Monday. 

Thursday, February 1st

  • Notes: I'll introduce Lesson Four Vocabulary. 
  • Then you'll take the Reading Quiz over Ch. 4-6 of Animal Farm.
  • We'll review the key events of the Russian Revolution, and you'll connect key characters from the text to the historical events during this time. As you work on making your connections, I'll check in with those of you who I didn't get to yesterday about your speeches. 

Wednesday, January 31st

  • We'll begin with the Lesson Three Vocabulary Test. 
  • Reading and Notes: Then you'll read and take notes on Ch. 6 of Animal Farm. (Quiz over Ch. 4-6 tomorrow, so make sure your notes look good!) 
  • We'll have one-on-one check-ins, wherein you read/recite your speech to me and show me your final draft and note card. This is for credit, so be ready! 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday, January 30th

Good morning! Here are our plans for today:
  • Reading and Notes: We'll read, discuss, and take notes on Ch. 4-5 of Animal Farm. We'll focus on the growing evidence that some of the characters are being deceitful, we'll analyze the developing power structure, and we'll take care to think about which characters symbolize which historical figures from the Russian Revolution. 
  • We'll revisit expectations for your final drafts (MLA, title, edited and revised, etc.) and for your note cards (bulleted list for jogging memory and keeping your place in the speech -- can have one-two lines (maximum) quoted if it helps. 
  • Finally, you'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • Vocabulary Review Exercise: Choose three English words from List Three and write excellent sentences that use them correctly. Write this on a separate piece of paper because you must turn it in today. 
    • Speech final draft finished and printed. (You'll turn this in on Monday when you give your speech.)
    • Note card written and being used for practice. (You will also turn this in on Monday when you give your speech.)

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday, January 29th

  • Notes: We'll go over Vocabulary Lesson Three. (Test Wednesday to get us caught up!)
  • Then you'll work on your speeches, which you'll deliver to the class audience on Monday, February 5th. Work through these steps:
    • Revise and edit to create a final, polished draft of your speech. Print it to turn in when you give your speech.
    • Read your speech aloud 2-3 times to different classmates to practice saying the words out loud. Get each of them to sign the back of your rough draft to that you read it to them. 
    • Finally, create a quarter-sheet sized note card with key bullet point reminders that you may glance at while giving your speech. You may not simply read your speech to us, so be sure to keep the notes on this card short and sweet simply for the purpose of jogging your memory and helping you keep your place while speaking. 
    • Practice, practice, practice and work on memorizing your speech. The countdown has begun. 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday, January 26th

  • Notes: I'll give you some information on types of narrators and how the narrative type in Animal Farm serves a specific purpose. 
  • Then I'll hand out a two-sided worksheet. We'll work together on "Identifying Narrative Voice," choosing a specific passage to analyze. Together, we'll answer the accompanying questions, and you'll record the answers in your class notebook. Then you'll choose two more of the passages to complete on your own, writing your answers in your class notebook.
  • For the "Narrative Voice in Animal Farm" worksheet, you'll choose one of the passages to re-write in a different narrative voice. This worksheet is due in class today. 
  • Finally, you'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • Finish the worksheet that's due today (both sides).
    • Complete your speech and turn it in (if you didn't already).
    • Complete any missing work or corrections for this class, including the two Khan Academy lessons on parallel structure from this week.
    • Turn in your notebook for a Notebook Check today. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday, January 25th

  • Notes: You'll begin by taking some notes about next steps for your propaganda speech. 
  • Then you'll take the Lesson Two Vocabulary Test. Remember that you may use your notes!
  • Then you'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • Two Khan Academy Lessons on parallel structure (log in to see the assignment) and write two examples in your class notebook. 
    • Finish writing and printing your propaganda speech. 
      • After you've printed your speech, proofread it out loud and mark with any corrections. This is due TODAY. 
      • Then label a minimum of three examples of propaganda techniques. 
      • Write and label the PURPOSE of the speech at the  bottom of the page. (What are you trying to persuade your audience to do or believe?)
      • Turn this in TODAY. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, January 24th

  • Notes: We'll discuss the following technique commonly used in propaganda:
    • Epithet (Name-Calling)
    • Generalization
    • Euphemism
    • Appeal to Celebrity / Authority
    • Bandwagon
    • Fear
    • Hyperbole (Exaggeration)
  • Close Reading: We'll look back at Squealer's speech and analyze it for persuasive techniques. 
  • Finally, you'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • You'll write a draft (1/2 page, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12) of a persuasive speech of your own. You must use at least three of the propaganda techniques we've discussed. Your audience will be this class. Your topic/purpose is up to you, but you must be trying to persuade us of something! 
    • Two assigned video lessons on Khan Academy. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday, January 23rd

  • Reading and Notes: We'll begin by reading and discussing Ch. 3 of Animal Farm. We'll focus on Squealer's speech and how propaganda is at work in the text. 
  • Then we'll go over #s 1-11 of your practice PSAT Writing and Language test. 
  • Finally, you'll log on to Khan Academy and complete two video tutorials about Parallel Structure. (I've assigned them to you on the website.)

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday, January 22nd

  • Notes: I'll introduce Lesson Two vocabulary and you'll give connecting examples and take notes.
  • Notes: We'll go over how to properly cite quotations from a text. 
  • You'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • Review Activity: I'll give you a review sheet for Ch. 2 of Animal Farm, then you'll select two questions you want to answer and for each question, you'll write an answer that gives and explains a properly cited quotation from the novella. 
    • As you work, I'll check in with those of you who are missing work or need to complete corrections. I'll also touch base if we need to have a Restorative Dialogue concerning your attendance or behavior in my class. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wednesday, January 17th

Today in class we'll view a Frontline documentary called The Persuaders. As you watch, you'll write observations about how the documentary connects with your own personal experience. Write these connections in your class notebook.

Tuesday, January 16th

**Reminder: If you didn't turn in your Vocabulary Review Exercise for Lesson One last week, it is negatively impacting your grade. Turn it in ASAP!

  • You'll take the Lesson One Vocabulary Test.
  • Then, using you'll read a speech delivered by Vladimir Lenin in March 1919. You'll reread Old Major's speech from pages 27-32 in Animal Farm. Then you'll write a one-two page comparison and contrast essay in your class notebook, making sure to do the following:
    • Discuss key similarities between the two speeches.
    • Discuss key differences between the two speeches.
    • Cite specific, quoted evidence from each speech to back up your claims. 
  • While you are working, I'll check in with you one-on-one about your grade and any missing work or corrections you may need to do. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday, January 12th

  • We'll begin with a review of the context of George Orwell's Animal Farm. You'll use your handout and notes from yesterday to complete a partner review quiz. We'll go over the review quiz and then you'll turn it in. 
  • Finally, we'll read and discuss chapter one of Animal Farm. Pro-tip: you will have open notes reading quizzes throughout our study of this book, so be sure to take notes whenever we stop to discuss something important from the book and whenever I write something about the book on the board. 
  • Notes: I'll introduce some of the key teachings of Karl Marx, which we'll connect to Orwell's novella. 
  • Depending on time, we may examine a speech by Vladimir Lenin in March 1919, which you will use to write a one page essay in your notebook. Your essay must compare Lenin's speech to Old Major's speech in the first chapter of Animal Farm. It must also use brief quotes from each text to support your answers. 
  • Before you leave today, turn in your class notebook. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thursday, January 11th

Here are our plans for today:

  • We'll begin by checking out copies of George Orwell's novella, Animal Farm, from the library. You'll need your student ID or ID number. 
  • Then we'll begin a lesson on the historical context of Animal Farm, focusing on key vocabulary and Stalin's rise to power.
  • Finally, you'll have some WORK TIME for the following:
    • Vocabulary review exercise: choose five of the English words on this week's vocabulary list and write a complete sentence that correctly uses the word and demonstrates your best writing ability. Then choose one of the Greek or Latin roots and draw a labeled illustration of it. (Stick figures are acceptable, but feel free to blow me away with your artistic ability.) Due Today.
    • One-on-one check-ins with me about any missing work or corrections you need to do. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday, January 10th

Related image Here are our plans for today:

  • I've made some changes to the seating chart based on how things are going in class. I'll share those changes with you. 
  • You take the PSAT Writing and Language test. Good news -- it's only 35 minutes. 
  • We'll all get on computers and log in to Khan Academy  where you'll enroll in our online class. You'll confirm that your enrollment went through by checking with me. Then you'll log off and put your computer away. 
  • Finally, you'll have some WORK TIME for the following: 
    • Vocabulary review exercise: choose five of the English words on this week's vocabulary list and write a complete sentence that correctly uses the word and demonstrates your best writing ability. Then choose one of the Greek or Latin roots and draw a labeled illustration of it. (Stick figures are acceptable, but feel free to blow me away with your artistic ability.) Due Thursday, 1/11.

Image Source:

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday, January 9th

  • You'll begin by taking a released PSAT 10 reading test. Don't panic -- just do your best. This is practice, and practice makes perfect. 
    • Don't write on the test. Do write on your answer sheet. 
  • After you've completed the test, we'll log in to Khan Academy and you'll enroll in my online class, where you'll enter your test answers digitally tomorrow. 
  • Finally, we'll de-stress. You've earned it today!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday, January 8th

Happy Monday, folks. Here are our plans:

  • You'll have a few minutes to quickly review your notes on allegory and satire. Then you'll take a quiz to show your understanding. 
  • Notes: We'll usually introduce new vocabulary words on Wednesdays, but we'll be taking the PSAT practice test this week, so we're going to get our new words out in the open today. I'll introduce the words and model note-taking strategies. 
  • Finally, we'll talk about strategies for taking the PSAT. 

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday, January 5th

Happy Friday!

  • Turn in your signed course syllabus today or Monday for full points. 
  • I'll share the class seating chart. 
  • Notes: We'll begin our study of satire with some introductory notes and discussion. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Thursday, January 4th

Welcome to English Four! Here are our plans for today:

  • We'll go over the course syllabus and class expectations, including cell phones and signing in and out for restroom breaks.
  • We'll set up class notebooks and folders and discuss how you'll use them this quarter. 
  • Finally, we'll begin a lesson on the study of allegory. 

Wednesday, March 7th

Since we didn't get to it yesterday, we'll finish viewing Animal Farm  today.  Then you'll have WORK TIME for your final draf...